
These aren't well formatted yet; it may be a while before I can put them all in proper order and consistent in layout. Sorry, but at least they're here in one spot, in alphabetical order according to the lead author's name. The first section is the items mentioned on this site; the second section consists of other refs which were also used in constructing this site. This is still not a complete set of all the references I used in creating this site, and I still have to tie some of the facts on the site to specific refs. That will be part of my continuing updates.

Alcala, Angel C.  (Professor of Biology and Director, Marine Laboratory, Silliman University, Philippines) and Maria Teresa S. Dy-Liacco (Research Assistant, Marine Laboratory, Silliman University, Philippines), 1989 "Behavior and Environment: Habitats". Crocodiles and Alligators, Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Bartholomew and Wilkie, 1956 "Body Temperature in Northern Fur Seals". Journal of Mammalogy 37:327-337.

Beck, Patrick, translation of excerpts from Max Westenhöfer's work

Big Zoo
on chimp swimming ability

Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R.P.; John l. Gittleman and Colleen K. Kelly
2001 "Flippers versus feet: comparative trends in aquatic and non-aquatic carnivores", Journal of Animal Ecology, 70:386-400

Black's Medical Encyclopedia

Bonner, W. Nigel, 1990 The Natural History of Seals. Facts on File: New York, Oxford, and Sydney.

Bove, Alfred A., M.D. (Chief, Section of Cardiology, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and Jefferson C. Davis, M.D. (Hyperbaric Medicine, P.A., San Antonio, Texas), 1990 Diving Medicine, Second Edition.  W.B. Saunders Company: Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo.

Buffetaut, Eric (Director of Research, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Paris, France), 1989 "Evolution and Biology: Evolution".  Crocodiles and Alligators, Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Byrne, Richard W.; and Jennifer M. Byrne, 1988, "Leopard Killers of Mahale", pp. 22-26, in Natural History, volume 3.

Campagno, Leonard J.V. (Senior Research Scientist, J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa), 1987 "Shark Attack in South Africa".  Sharks.  Consulting Editor, Dr. John D. Stevens (Senior Research Scientist, Division of Fisheries, CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Carroll, Robert L., 1988 Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution.  (W.H. Freeman and Company: New York)

Chanin, Paul, 1985 The Natural History of Sea Otters. Croom Helm: London and Sydney.

Cole, John, 1980 "'Cult Archaeology", Early Man Spring 1980

Cole, Monica M., (Department of Geography, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London), 1986 The Savannahs: Biogeography and Geobotany.   Academic Press: London.

Colorado State University's Hypertexts for Biomedical Sciences (

Cordain, Loren; Janette Brand Miller, S Boyd Eaton, and Neil Mann
2000 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, No. 6, 1585-1586, December 2000

Costill, David L.; Ernest W. Maglischo, and Allen B. Richardson, 1992, Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Swimming.  Blackwell Scientific Publications: London.

Darwin, Charles, 1859 (first edition), On the Origin of Species (quotes on this site from Project Gutenberg's copy of the 6th edition)

Darwin, Charles, 1871, Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. (quotes on this site from Project Gutenberg's copy of the 1874 2nd edition)

K. D’Août, E. Vereecke, K. Schoonaert, D. De Clercq, L. Van Elsacker and P. Aerts
2004 "Locomotion in bonobos (Pan paniscus): differences and similarities between bipedal and quadrupedal terrestrial walking, and a comparison with other locomotor modes" in J. Anat. 204, pp353–361.

Deitiker, Philip
Sep 21 2004 newsgroup post "If you put discovery of the mechanism of evolution first..."

Denton, Derek, 1982 The Hunger for Salt. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Dingerkus, Guido (Director, Natural History Consultants, Goshen, New York, USA), 1987 "Shark Attack in the United States".  Sharks.  Consulting Editor, Dr. John D. Stevens (Senior Research Scientist, Division of Fisheries, CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Duchêne, V
1997 Inleidende studie van de locomotie van Pan paniscus: de bonobo als model voor de evolutie van menselijke bipedalie. License thesis, University of Antwerp.

Eckert, Robert, 1988 Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations (3rd edition) by Roger Eckert (University of California, Los Angeles), with Chapters 13 and 14 by David Randall (University of British Columbia), revised in part by George Augustine (University of Southern California). W.H. Freeman and Company: New York.

Edmonds, Carl, Christopher Lowry, and John Pennefather, 1992 Diving and Subaquatic Medicine, Third Edition.

Elsner, Robert (Professor of Marine Science, University of Alaska) and Brett Gooden (Adelaide, South Australia. Formerly Lecturer in Physiology, University of Nottingham) 1983 Diving and Asphyxia: A comparative study of animals and man. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Epstein, Murray, 1984 "Renal, endocrine, and haemodynamic effects of water immersion in man", Contributions to Nephrology vol. 41, Cardiocirculatory Function in Renal Disease, pp. 174-188.

Epstein, Murray, Edgar Haber, and Richard Re, 1978 "A Kinetic Assessment of Aldosterone Responsiveness in Secondary Hyperaldosteronism and in Anephric Man", in The Endocrine Function of the Human Adrenal Cortex vol. 18, pp. 493-508.

Environmental and Metabolic Animal Physiology 4th edition, 1991. C. Ladd Prosser, ed. Wiley-Liss: New York.

Frey, William H., Ph.D., with Muriel Langseth, 1985: 147. Crying: The Mystery of Tears. Minneapolis: Winston Press

Frey, William H., Ph.D., Denise DeSota-Johnson, B.A., and Carrie Hoffman, B.S.; and John T. McCall, Ph.D., 1981 "Effect of stimulus on the chemical composition of human tears". American Journal of Ophthalmology 92:559-567.

Fitch, W. Tecumseh, 2002, "Comparative Vocal Production and the Evolution of Speech: Reinterpreting the Descent of the Larynx". In The Transition to Language, Alison Wray, editor. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ganong, William F., M.D. (UCSF), 1993 Review of Medical Physiology .  Appleton and Lange: Norwalk, Conn.  16th Edition. (chart on pg. 343)

Goodall, Jane
on chimp swimming ability

Hardy, Sir Alister, 1977 "Was there a Homo aquaticus?", article originally appeared in Zenith, 1977, vol. 15(1):4-6. Reprinted in 1982 The Aquatic Ape by Elaine Morgan, Stein and Day: Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.

Hauser, Marc D. and W. Tecumseh Fitch, 2003, "What Are the Uniquely Human Components of the Language Faculty? In Language Evolution: The States of the Art, M.H. Christiansen and S. Kirby, editors. Oxford University Press.

Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, Mariko; Richard W. Byrne, Hiroyuki Takasaki, and Jennifer M.E. Byrne, 1986, "Aggression toward Large Carnivores by Wild Chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania", pp. 8-13, in Folia primatologica, volume 47.

Hrdlicka, Ales quoted in Dry Bones, Chapter 4."

Hughes, Roland, BSc (former editor, Australian Natural History, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), 1987 "Shark Attack in Australian Waters".  Sharks.  Consulting Editor, Dr. John D. Stevens (Senior Research Scientist, Division of Fisheries, CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Hunt, Kevin D
1994 "The Evolution of Human Bipedality: Ecology and Functional Morphology" in Journal of Human Evolution 26: pp 183-202.

Jerison, HJ, 1973, Evolution of the brain and intelligence. Academic Press, New York.

Kent, George C. (Department of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana), 1978 Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates (4th edition). C.V. Mosby Co.: Saint Louis.

King, Judith E., 1983:143, Seals of the World; British Museum (Natural History), Oxford University Press

Kitcher, Philip, 1982 Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism. The MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass. and London, England.

Kortland, A.; pp. 44-46, in Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia vol 11: Mammal II Dr. Bernhard Grzimek, ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, Cincinnati, Toronto, London, Melbourne.

J. Krüger, J. Mikoleit, H. Heck
2000 "The influence of total body shaving on performance and lactic acid behaviour in swimming", in Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Sportmedizin, Vol. 51, No. 2

Kuliukas, Algis
2001 Bipedal Wading in Hominoidae past and present. M. Sc. dissertation, University College London.
2002 (November) newsgroup statements "...certainly changes my perspective somewhat." and "...although I feel this data only adds still further to the plausibility of wading as a model for bipedal origins."
2003 newsgroup statement "the one place apes are pretty much *always* bipedal is in water"
2003 newsgroup statement "Extant apes are pretty much 100% bipedal in water..."
2004 newsgroup statements on his AAT/H definition, for instance: "The hypothesis that water has acted as an agent of selection..." and "To be fair to Hardy and Morgan..."
2004 newsgroup statement "Stop waffling and let's get back to the point..."
2004 newsgroup statement "our bipedal locomotion is not suited for woodland, dense bush or tall grassland"
2004 newsgroup statement (on his thinking that I must have made a "mistake" when I reported both pro and con information on hair and swimming speed) " he put in as an own goal by mistake?"
2004 newsgroup statement "...even though we can swim but chimps can't."
2004 newsgroup statement "Put it this way, really what's the explanation that chimps can't swim?"
2005 newsgroup statement "I never claimed it was impossible for chimps to swim..." his site: River Apes (Algis Kuliukas' pro-AAT/H site)

Ling, John K. (Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, Melbourne, Australia), 1965 "Functional significance of sweat glands and sebaceous glands in seals",  Nature November 6, 1965, 208(5010):560-562.

Ling, John K., 1974 "The Integument of Marine Mammals", in Functional Anatomy of Marine Mammals, Volume 2, edited by R.J. Harrison. Academic Press: London, New York, San Francisco.

Marcincuk, Michelle C., MD and Peter S. Roland, MD Geriatric hearing loss: Understanding the causes and providing appropriate treatment"

Martin, RD, 1984, "Body size, brain size and feeding strategies" in Food acquisition and processing in primates. Chivers, D; Wood, B; Bilsborough, A, eds. Plenum Press, New York.

Marvin, Ursula B. , Ph.D., 1973 Continental Drift: The Evolution of a Concept.  Smithsonian Institution Press:
Washington, D.C.

McFarland, William N.; F, Harvey Pough, Tom J. Cade, and John B. Heiser, 1979 Vertebrate Life (3rd edition 1989).  Macmillan Publishing Company: New York and Collier MacMillan Publishers: London.

McGraw, Myrtle B., 1939, "Swimming behavior of the Human Infant", Journal of Pediatrics, pp. 485-490, volume 15.

Milder, Benjamin, M.D., 1987 "Chapter 2: The lacrimal apparatus", in Adler's Physiology of the Eye: Clinical Application, edited by Robert A. Moses, M.D. and William M. Hart, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Eighth edition. The C.V. Mosby Company: St. Louis, Washington, D.C., and Toronto.

Milton, Katherine
2000 pg. 1587, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, No. 6, 1586-1588, December 2000

Montagna, William, and Paul F. Parakkal, 1974 The Structure and Function of Skin, Third Edition.  Academic Press: New York and London.

Morgan, Elaine, 1972, Descent of Women.  Souvenir Press: London.
Morgan, Elaine, 1982, The Aquatic Ape.  Souvenir Press: London.
Morgan, Elaine, 1990, The Scars of Evolution.  Souvenir Press: London.
Morgan, Elaine, 1994, The Descent of the Child.
Morgan, Elaine, 1997, The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis.  Souvenir Press: London.

Morgan, Elaine
Jan 25, 1996 newsgroup statement misunderstanding convergent evolution and suggesting a new term instead of convergent evolution: "...but no word for the striking resembance between the coats of those unrelated mammals. I suggest "paramorphic"."
Aug 01, 1995 newsgroup statement misunderstanding convergent evolution: "White coats in winter are a single feature of Arctic animals which do not in other respects grow to resemble one another"
Feb 01, 1996 newsgroup statement misunderstanding convergent evolution: "It is just that single shared feature that they have all evolved, and there ought to be a word for this."
Oct 11, 1995 newsgroup post complaining about the use of "hypothesis" in regard to the AAT/H: "I've noted two new anti-AAT ploys. One is to rename it AAH or AAS...Renaming it is an attempt at philosophical pseudo-speciation, implying "What you are doing is qualitatively quite different from what we are doing.""

Morton, Glenn Original Morton's Demon essay.

Negus, Sir Victor, 1965 The Biology of Respiration.  E&S Livingstone Ltd.: Edinburgh and London.

Negus, Sir Victor, 1958 The Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses.  E&S Livingstone Ltd.: Edinburgh and London.

Nishida, Toshisada, 1980, "Local Differences in Responses to Water among Wild Chimpanzees", pp. 189-209, in Folia primatologica, volume 33.

Nishimura, Takeshi; Akichika Mikami; Juri Suzuki; and Tetsuro Matsuzawa, 2003, "Descent of the larynx in chimpanzee infants". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2003 Jun 10;100(12):6930-3 online copy

The Open University Alumni On-line Community, Open Eye On-line, "Reindeer" December 2000 copy of the Open Eye Online story

Ortiz, Rudy, 2001, "Osmoregulation in Marine Mammals", in The Journal of Experimental Biology vol. 204, 1831-1844.

Paul, Larry J. , BSc (Hons.) (Fisheries Research Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Adelaide, South Australia), 1987 "Shark Attack in New Zealand".  Sharks.  Consulting Editor, Dr. John D. Stevens (Senior Research Scientist, Division of Fisheries, CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Peaker. M., and J.L. Linzell (Dept. of Physiology, Agricultural Research Council, Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge), 1975 Salt Glands in Birds and Reptiles.. Monographs of the Physiological Society No. 32.  Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, London, New York, Melbourne.

Pond, Caroline M., 1978, "Morphological Aspects and the Ecological and Mechanical Consequences of Fat Deposition in Wild Vertebrates", pp. 519-570, in Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, volume 9; edited by Richard F. Johnston, Peter W. Frank, and Charles D. Michener.

Pond, Caroline M.  (Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Biology at the Open University in Milton Keynes), 1987 "Fat and figures", New Scientist 4:62-66.

Pond, Caroline M.  (Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Biology at the Open University in Milton Keynes), 1987 "Not an aquatic ape -- just an exceptionally fat mammal", New Scientist 4:64-65.

Pond, Caroline M., 1987, "The great ape debate", New Scientist 12:39-42.

Pond, Caroline M., 1987, "The Anatomy of Adipose Tissue in Captive Macaca Monkeys and Its Implications for Human Biology", Folia primatologica 48:164-185.

Pond, Caroline M.  1991 "Adipose Tissue in Human Evolution", pp. 193-220. The Aquatic Ape: Fact or Fiction? Edited by Machteld Roede, Jan Wind, John M. Patrick and Vernon Reynolds. Souvenir Press: London.

Pond, Caroline M. and Malcolm A. Ramsay (Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon). 1992 "Allometry of the distribution of adipose tissue in Carnivora", Canadian Journal of Zoology 70:342-347.

Poole, Trevor, ed, 1987 The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Longman Scientific and Technical: Harlow, Essex

Pooley, A.C. (Tony) (Consultant on Crocodile Farming, Conservation, and Education, Scottburgh, South Africa), 1989 "Behavior and Environment: Food and Feeding Habits".   Crocodiles and Alligators, Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Pooley, A.C. (Tony) (Consultant on Crocodile Farming, Conservation, and Education, Scottburgh, South Africa), Tommy C. Hines (Consultant on Alligator and Crocodile Management, Florida, USA), and John Shield (Veterinarian, Cairns, Australia), 1989 "Crocodilians and Humans: Attacks on Humans".   Crocodiles and Alligators, Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Pooley, A.C. (Tony) (Consultant on Crocodile Farming, Conservation, and Education, Scottburgh, South Africa) and Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA), 1989 "Behavior and Environment: Mortality and Predators"  Crocodiles and Alligators, Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Riede, Tobias and Rod Suthers, "Laryngeal descent is not uniquely mammalian" online copy

Riedmann, Marianne, 1990 The Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses. University of California Press: Berkeley, L.A., and Oxford.

Riedmann, Marianne, 1990 Sea Otters. Monterey Bay Aquarium: Monterey, California

Ross, Charles A.  (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) and Dr. William Ernest Magnusson (Research Scientist, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas de Amazonia, Brazil),1989 "Evolution and Biology: Living Crocodilians". Crocodiles and Alligators, Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

San Diego Zoo
on chimp swimming ability

Scheffer, Victor B., 1962 Pelage and Surface Topography of the Northern Fur Seal. North American Fauna, Number 64, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut; 1964, Desert Animals: physiological problems of heat and water.  Oxford University Press.

Schoenemann, P. Thomas, 2004 "Brain Size Scaling and Body Composition in Mammals", Brain Behavior Evolution 63:47–60

Scholander, Walters, Hock, and Irving (I'm missing the ref for this one -- sorry -- will get it later)

Sharp, Rick L., and David L. Costill, "Influence of body hair removal on physiological responses during breaststroke swimming", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1989: 21(5), pp. 576-580.

Slijper, Everhard J. (Professor, Zoological Laboratory, University of Amsterdam) and Dr. Dietrich Heinemann (Director, Zoological Garden, Munster), 1984 "Whales", in Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia vol 11: Mammal II Dr. Bernhard Grzimek, ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, Cincinnati, Toronto, London, Melbourne.

Slijper, Everhard J. (Professor, Zoological Laboratory, University of Amsterdam), 1979 Whales (first pub 1958; revised 1962). Hutchinson of London: London.

Smith, Anthony, 1985 The Body.

Sokolov, V.E., 1982 Mammal Skin. University of California Press: Berkeley.

Springer, Victor G. (curator in the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Division of Fishes, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.), and Joy P. Gold (Technical Information Specialist at the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.) 1989 Sharks in Question: The Smithsonian Answer Book  Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, D.C. and London.

Taylor and Rowntree in 1973 (Science 176: 186-187)

van Haeringen, N.J., Ph.D, 1981 "Clinical Biochemistry of Tears". Survey of Ophthalmology 26(2):84-96.

Verhaegen, Marc
newsgroup claim "some/many show undeniable indications of frequent diving (their ear exostoses)."
newsgroup claim "Their ear exostoses leave no other choice... "
Marc explains to a supporter in his Yahoo group that his affiliation listed on many of his papers, "Studiecentrum Antropologie", is not a real institution.
May 8, 2004 sci.anthropology.paleo "When one gradually shifts to drinking small frequent bits of seawater + eating fish, it's possible to survive for months."
Feb 22, 1999 sci.anthropology.paleo "Male Steller sealions have neck hairs, but are otherwise furless."
Dec 14, 2002 sci.anthropology.paleo on "furless" male Steller sea lions
Dec 27, 2002 sci.anthropology.paleo on "furless" male Steller sea lions
in his Yahoo group Nov 15, 2004 "but mammals that spend some time outside the water in cold regions retain fur, except the very large adult male Steller sealions, walruses and elephant seals."
Dec 30, 2002 sci.anthropology.paleo "Abundant eccrine thermoactive sweating is only seen in humans & sealions on land." and "...furseals are the only non-human mammals which sweat thermoactively through abundant eccrine glands ..."
Dec 28, 2002 sci.anthropology.paleo "Thermoactive eccrine sweating is abundant in sealions & humans on land. I have no examples of this in other mammals."
Dec 25, 2003 sci.anthropology.paleo "most-sweating" sea lions:
Dec 25 2003 sci.anthropology.paleo "nonsense... Don't you know, bk, that the most sweating mammals known are furseals on land"
Jan 17, 2004 "The most-themoregulatorily-sweating mammals besides humans are sea-lions at the shore..."
Feb 7, 2003 sci.anthropology.paleo "In other words, humans have a normal temperature resembling that of sea mammals, lower than most terrestrial ones, and markedly lower than that of any active savannah species."
Jan 11, 1999 sci.anthropology.paleo Ear exostoses, Anne, are only found in populations that dive (usu. for shellfsh)
May 11 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "We have the ear exostoses (only seen in long-term cold water divers)..."
May 4 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "The presence of AEs proves diving habits, their absence does not. "
Apr 30 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "The auditory exostoses in Ns prove that those people frequently dived in water colder than 19°C."
Jan 10 1999 sci.anthropology.paleo "Auditory exostoses, bony swellings of the ear canal, a condition well-known to otolaryngologists, occur exclusively as a direct result of long-term exposure to relatively cold water..."
Apr 3 and 28 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "(as Otto Hauser remarked before the soft tissues fell apart when he dug up the Moustier fossil in 1908)."
Apr 28 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "...soft tissues can often still be discerned after unearthing, in the seconds or minutes before the soft tissues fall apart..."
Jun 26 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo " should have known that IMO an external nose arises only (& not necessarily) when a mammal starts becoming aquatic..."
Dec 5 2001 sci.anthropology.paleo "*I* didn't come up with "snorkels" here. Some antiAATer did. No doubt, to ridicule AAT instead of discussing it."
Nov 1 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "And I know, of course, when I speak about, say, Neandertal snorkels..."
May 4 1998 sci.anthropology.paleo "All elephants & proboscis monkeys use the nose as a snorkel to cross rivers or to swim."
"In a Neandertal swimming on his back, the large nose with distal nostrils and the protruding midface surrounded by large air sinuses functioned as a snorkel." pg. 110, 1991 Marc Verhaegen, "Aquatic ape theory and fossil hominids", in Medical Hypotheses 35: 108-114
"I once read it somewhere, and I believe everything what I read, at least until I find evidence of the opposite."

Videan, Elaine N. and W.C. McGrew
2002 "Bipedality in Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and Bonobo (Pan paniscus): Testing Hypotheses on the Evolution of Bipedalism" in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 118:184–190.

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Wood Jones, Frederick; 1929, Man's Place Among the Mammals, (quote on pg. 296).  Edward Arnold: London.

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Various editors and contributors, 1989 Crocodiles and Alligators  Consulting Editor, Charles A. Ross (Museum Specialist, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Various editors and contributors, 1987 Sharks.  Consulting Editor, Dr. John D. Stevens (Senior Research Scientist, Division of Fisheries, CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) Facts on File: New York and Oxford.

Various authors, 1985 Social odours in mammals, Volumes 1 and 2, edited by Richard E. Brown and David W. MacDonald, Claredon Press: Oxford.

Chopard, Stephane, "The Secret World of the Proboscis Monkeys", film (TV program).

Section 2: other references used in making this site.

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Feedback: E-mail me